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全自動直線式活塞灌裝機 當前位置:首頁 - 液體灌裝一條線 - 產品詳細


Full-automatic straight line type piston filling machine 

 The series injection type/normal pressure gravity type dual-use filling machine is a high-tech product researched and developed by our company. It is suitable for products of various viscosity such as water injection, semi-fluid and ointment etc. It is widely applied for filling of products in such industries as food, cosmetics, medicine, grease, daily chemical industry, detergent, pesticide and chemical industry etc. By adopting straight line filling mode, it can be used to fill solutions of different types without the need of adding any spare parts. 

技術參數 Technical parameter: 
型號Model: ZH6F-6N (6head ,8head ,10head ) 
灌裝速度Filling speed: 40-50b/min(250ML/6head ) 
灌裝精度Filling precision: ±1% 
缸體規格Cylinder specification: 25-250ML. 50-500ML.100-1000ML.250-2500ML 
工作氣壓Working pressure: 5-7KG/㎡ 

上一個產品:液體灌裝壓蓋機     下一個產品:膏霜灌裝旋蓋機
浙ICP備08002000號 銷售熱線:0086-13958897272 0086-577-66682966
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